Friday, June 08, 2007

academic bandits

schlimme woche gehabt: montag streit mit dem fbr, dienstag streit mit der abteilung, mittwoch streit mit dem dekan, donnerstag feiertag (streitigkeiten beim g8, wenigstens nicht meine schuld), heute portemonaie aus dem büro geklaut bekommen. ein würdiger wochenabschluss, meine ich... zum thema passt:

midlake - bandits

wie immer sag ich's mit (fremder) musik:

Did you ever want to be overrun by bandits;
to hand over all of your things and start over new?
while we were out hunting for food
our house was being robbed
I caught an apple and she caught a fox
so I caught a rabbit but she caught an ox

so upon our return, we found everything gone
which for us was no loss
and we started over
with a rabbit and an ox

so they came down from the north
carrying all they owned
with a basket full of food and clothes

they were stopped by a weekend raid

traveling the woods one day

they tried to put up a fight, but lost

so we asked for them to stay

with us on their way

to have a drink and rest

and regain their strength

did you ever want to run around with bandits;
to see many places and hide in ditches?
it's not always easy, it's not always easy
when the winter comes and the greenery goes
we will make some shelter
when the winter comes and the greenery goes
we will make some shelter

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